Friday, February 17, 2012

Jesus Moran loves Dwayne Johnson...

Los Angeles, CA

3:01 AM, late evening after the Bruins beat Cleveland in Game 1

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Loud laughter can be heard through-out the locker room as Bruins SP Jesus Moran is being prodded at as Ricky Bolden and Declan Parsons toss a DVD over his head back and forth.

“ Where did you find this Declan” asks Ricky laughing.

“ Where else. Phillip, he just left the clubhouse a while ago. Can’t believe their brothers…. “ says Declan

“ Different fathers. “ adds Jesus, “ Obviously. “

“ Obviously. “ adds Ricky

“ Anyways, this is going to  be hilarious, “ says Declan smirking.

“ The only thing hilarious is your ERA “ says Jesus, which prompts Ricky to fall down to his knees laughing.

“ Hey compadre, we are all on the same team here. “ insists Declan as his smile is now a frown. “ Give me some slack, my career ERA is like 3.20 INCLUDING my two full years in the non-friendly confounds of San Fran. “ he pauses, “ God, I’m glad I’m where the fake boobs are inside of the fake “

“ Wooooah, “ says Ricky, “ Family show. “ he says fighting back laughter,

“ Right. “

Declan plants the DVD into the player and they all begin to watch …

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The camera flickers on and begins to pan what appears to be arena, screaming children – teenagers and grown men alike begin to count in together.




The bell sounds a few times as the man who was laying on top of the other man stands up slowly raising his hands and cocking his head to the side with the raise of an eyebrow.

“ Your winner, … and STILL,… WWF Champion,… theeeeeeeeeee ROCK! “

The fans go crazy as his opponent (lets say, HHH) is rolled out of the ring and the fans begin a ‘Rocky’ chant as he is handed his title and begins to play to the fans.

The Rock is handed a microphone as he looks out to his millions (and millions) of fans and begins to speak.

“ Tonight, the Rock did what he said he was going to do. He went out, fought the man with the biggest nose in the business and througholy laid the Smackdown on his candy ass ! “

The fans erupt into laughter as he continues,…

“ Tonight, the Rock has a special moment for one of you! “ the place erupts.

The Rock spots little Jesus Moran in the crowd,  given it’s 1999 Jesus is about eight or nine years old.

“ My man in my shirt, get over here. Get up here! “

The fans cheer as Jesus jumps the railing and walks up the stairs waiving with the crowd waiving him on.

“ What is your name kid? “ asks The Rock

“ Jesus, “ he pasuses, “ Jesus Moran. “ another Moran, his older brother (and Bruins middle-reliever from another father, given as he grew up in the states – as indicated by his player page which ties all this together) … looks on smiling.

“ Well young Jesus, how would you like to hold and wear my WWF Championship belt. “

A huge grin grows and the fans begin to chant Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The child raises his hands high into the air and jumps up and down before going for the belt and grabbing the Rocks muscles on accident which leads to laughter from the fans.

“ Now stay still Jesus. “

The Rock moves around and stands from behind placing the title belt on the waist on young Jesus and the crowd cheers. The Rock smirks and walks around then looks at the belt but can’t help but notice …

“ Is that an erection!? “ asks The Rock as the crowd eats it up.

The camera briefly catches the erection which Declan has now paused allowing them to both fully take it in.

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“ What the?! “ asks Ricky

“ I told you. “ says Declan, smirking before hitting play again (Jesus looks irritated, but not upset).

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“ Does the Rock, EXCITE YOU, Jesus?! “ asks the Rock as the fans go nuts. “

“ I suppose so?! “ asks Jesus confused, “ This is my first … “


The Rock smirks and grabs his belt back laughing.

“ Get this little erection out of my ring, because the Champion has some celebrating! “ The Rock motions towards the crowd again looking for other fans as the camera finishes on Jesus and the footage stops

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“ Everything I expected and more. “ says Ricky pinching his tears off his face.

“ Told you. “ says Phillip, walking from the back, “ The kid looooves the Rock. “

“ That may be, “ adds Declan, “ But atleast your brother can laugh at himself. “ adds Declan tossing the DVD to Jesus.

“ Plus, he makes about 10 million more per year than you, “ says Ricky which causes Jesus to join in on the laughter now with him and Declan.

Phillip has no response.

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