Monday, April 25, 2011

The Bruins going balls deep...

News out of Los Angeles late last night, is that the Bruins have secured a deal with to bring the "porn to the park".

The Bruins are having a fake-mustache day to honor one of their own for his good play at the start of the season...

3B Enrique Jaramillo

Team employees will be giving out fake mustaches to all who come to the park that day, young and old -- and 3B Enrique Jaramillo couldn't be happier about it.

" No podría ser más feliz sobre él " added Jaramillo, which means I couldn't be happier about it in Spanish.

The game will take place on Sunday, July 29th when the Oklahoma Droggies come to town.

Jaramillo, when asked about conflicting mustache drama as Oklahoma first  basemen Jules LaFlamme sports a stache' as well, Jaramillo had commented, " Soy confuso. ¿Usted ve el bigote de hombres que uso, y el que está de un violador serial él usa? ¿No es Julio un nombre de la muchacha? Enrique es un nombre fuerte." which translates too,..." I am confused. Do you see the manly mustache I wear, and the one of a serial rapist he wears? Is Jules not a girl name? Enrique is a strong name. "

No matter what Jaramillo does the rest of the year - he's carried the team this far and the Bruins fans should be thankful, he came to Los Angeles last year at the deadline and played horrible - but after going through the arbitration process and signing a contract ext to stay with Los Angeles through the for-see-able future, Enrique has been good and seems like a solid fit to the lineup.

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